Friday 17 April 2015

Day 1 - A wander around Beijing


Well... Beijing... the first things you notice immediately are... the mass of people... and every single person is glued to their phone.. secondly... the smells of the city, there are a lot, both good and bad, you learn not to notice these quite quickly.

I got to my hotel, had a wash, then went straight out... first adventure... navigate the Beijing subway... this could of been trouble for me... especially as I walked past my hotel twice this morning trying to find out!!! (I didn't see the big neon sign). 

I does put things into perspective here..., the metro system is all new, and my trip, which was approx 12k was 4 Yuan... (about 40p) it's amazing how TFL can charge 10 times as much for that! 

First Stop... I made my way to Tian aman Square... Just to have a wander and get my bearings, as it was too late to visit the palace, this I will do on Sunday! Once you leave the subway... the view that comes before you is overwhelming (below)

They local government are very security conscious here, your bags will be xrays every time you take the metro etc, but I even went through security at the square.... to.... CROSS THE ROAD!

The security is as you would expect in this country, and you can't beat a bit pompf and ceremony! My Friend knows what he's doing to protect chairman Mao!

Once inside, you could get a gist of the immense size of the place, and of course, the usual touters came to my trying to see random stuff or take me on a romantic rickshaw journey,... I'm on my own! The only way I could express the square is a panoramic picture on my mobile.

After I left the square, I took a walk to pavilion behind the forbidden palace to get some high up shots of the area... It was a good test of stamina, 240 steps to the top, but once up there... the views were spectacular, the size of the palace behind, you just cannot imagine... 968 buildings in one palace!

When i made it down, it was getting closer to 6pm, so I thought, it was about time I went to visit the famous Wangfujing Street, this is know as the Chinese Oxford street, It got this status as it was the first street to sell when the economic reforms started in the 1980's. There are the local brands of course, many high level European and US brands, even a H&M and finally the token McDonalds and KFC! ;(..... However tourists know this street for the crazy smll back streets and the local "treats" they have on a stick... 

Walking into the street, it looks very modern and fresh, with the Chinese twist to it.

But I wasn't here for this street, a small turn to the left and you find traditional China!

I did see the scorpions on a stick, so thought... I cannot go to China and not try it!
I was very very shocked, on how tasty they actually were! It wouldn't be my first choice but a good experience!

After my scorpion, it was time for my evening meal.... of course it had to be a little shack on the street, I ordered Dumplings, you can see why there popular, but the UK and US version is nothing compared to the real thing! I also had... the waiter said it was chicken, I'm unsure of which parts and best not to know!! It was very good, but I want my real Peking Duck! The whole meal, Dumplings, Chicken Bowl and 2 beers was 81 Yuan... (About £8.50)... Which isn't bad for being in the center of the tourist zone.

After this, I took the train back to the hotel, where I did see the lovely lit up sign outside the Olympic Park, which I had to take a snap, I will visit the stadiums on Monday (even though I can see it out of my window as I write this!)

Now, Its nearly 11pm here... time to go to bed... as I have a 7am start tomorrow morning, as I will be visiting the great wall of China and be doing a big big hike of this!! 

Until tomorrow goodnight... or I should say Wan An 晚安!!!

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